[Télécharger] The Early Cretaceous: Notes, Drawings, and Observations from Prehistory de Juan Carlos Alonso En Ligne
Télécharger The Early Cretaceous: Notes, Drawings, and Observations from Prehistory de Juan Carlos Alonso PDF Ebook En Ligne
Télécharger "The Early Cretaceous: Notes, Drawings, and Observations from Prehistory" de Juan Carlos Alonso Livre eBook France
Auteur : Juan Carlos Alonso
Catégorie : Livres anglais et étrangers,Children's Books,Animals
Broché : * pages
Éditeur : *
Langue : Français, Anglais
Ancient Earth Journal, The Early Cretaceous brings readers closer to prehistoric life than ever before. What it would be like to see a living, breathing dinosaur? Ancient Earth Journal, The Early Cretaceous brings readers closer to prehistoric life than ever before. By combining the latest paleontological findings with highly detailed, intimate drawings of wildlife from the Early Cretaceous, readers will look into the eyes of some of the most fascinating creatures to ever inhabit the earth. Written and illustrated in the style of a naturalist's notebook, the viewer will be given a first-hand account of what it is like to stand alongside everything from the first birds to flying dinosaurs to some of the largest creatures ever to walk the earth. Through detailed illustrations and descriptive narrative, readers will discover how some dinosaurs survived polar blizzards, while others were able to pump blood five stories high to reach their brains. While many books on prehistoric life lump dinosaurs into the general timeline of the Mesozoic Period, no book currently dissects plant and animal life during one specific period. This allows the book to explore wildlife seldom featured in publications, many of them recent discoveries. Ancient Earth Journal, The Early Cretaceous is backed by the research of one of paleontology's most acclaimed theorists, giving the book the most up to date scientific interpretation regarding animal behaviors, interactions, and recreations.
Télécharger The Early Cretaceous: Notes, Drawings, and Observations from Prehistory de Juan Carlos Alonso En Ligne
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